The 24 Hour Cable News channels suck.

I watched a bit of “Election Campaign” coverage from CNN over this weekend.  And by “a bit”, I mean a bit.  It was incredibly asinine and stupid.  It is one thing to have a program with a bunch of talking heads commiserating and crafting the “Conventional Wisdom” of horse-race trading electoral politics.  It is another thing to cut into a live speech of Hillary Clinton’s speech, jam it up against a split shot of an empty podium where Barack Obama is going to make his stump speech in a few minutes, and then wade back and forth while they are are sharing time in lifting up Ohio or Texas in different spaces.

Flash to commercial break, where a horrid graphic of “Ballot Bowl”, and I start demanding to hear them jettison this altogether and explain the repurcussions of tomorrow’s election in Russia of Putin’s sucessor… or, I don’t know, the latest scientific advancements in the field of neurology.

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