nine eleven

An interesting measure of the zietgist and how much mental brain-span is devoted to thinking about 9/11 today comes with a scan of the comics page in the newspaper.  The comic strips, at this moment in their devolution, tend toward being postage stamp sized greeting cards, and tend to have a hard time resisting the urge toward a bit of sentimentality.  Any previous year, it was likely loaded with cartoonists doing 9/11 commemerations.   Today, the number of comics strips in the Oregonian involving 9/11 was One.  And that was  a local strip.

Other convincing nods to 9/11 — sidewalk chalked with “9/11 Truth Means No Wars!  [blahdeblah.blogspot.blahdebla]

So Usama Bin Laden’s tape, timed for 9/11… And General Petraeus’s testimony (the troops are coming home!  Or… you know… a slice of the surge.  The rest we’ll be debating for the 2012 presidential election. ), timed for the same reason. The flap the Republicans in Congress have carried forth with the condemnation of the ad shows me a mentality that has it that, nobody can speak any evil of Petraeus.  He has been knighted by the elite opinion-marblers — in similar ways as McCain or Colin Powell at one time — or Bush in the immediate after-math of his bullhorn speech in 9/11.  Or, at the very least, they are trying to hammer that into existence — and to a degree, have.


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