Sports Corner

So I had the radio turned on to the pre-game of the Lions — Falcons game on Thanksgiving. Within the same segment I heard these two sentences: “It doesn’t matter the record, the Lions always play tough and close on their Thanksgiving Day game.” and “Last year, the Indianapolis Colts beat the Lions 41 to 9.”

I did not watch any of this game. I did not hear any of this game. It was pretty obvious where this game was heading, even without the help of our supposed football experts — basically to a point where the post-game talk was about how after this most embarrassing of defeats, the Detroit Lions were going to fire their coach.

The line about “always playing tough” is a cliche, and quite obviously false.

Good times for the Florida Marlins. This is that decade-old franchise that came up with an oddly effective strategy on how to win multiple World Series (that is two, which is two more than the vast majority of Major League baseball franchises) by — um — selling off their team right after they win the World Series (or a year after they win the World Series) and slowly building themselves back up in a morass or horrible seasons — thus going from being essentially a glorified Triple-A minor league ball game (such as teams like the Detroit Lions and the Milwaukee Brewers are) to a World Series Champion, and back again. They can’t get the Miami public to buy them a stadium. They play in the Miami Dolphins’ stadium, which isn’t good for a baseball team. They can’t sell tickets — perhaps partly due to their record of being a bad team for a few seaons, then sneaking their way to a World Series victory unexpectedly — to the point where nobody realizes until very late in the season that they have a World Series contender here, then selling off their ball-players and becoming a bad team again.) So… they’re likely to take off and move to either Los Vegas or Portland. Where, I imagine they’d perform about the same — without the occasional freakish World Series.

Weirdly enough, Ralph Nader stepped into the Terrell Owens fight and advocated in defense of Terrell Owens. Why, I do not know. I admire Ralph Nader for his battle against tax-payer funding of stadiums (most notably the battle in Hartford, Connecticut to stop the city from giving what would have been the most outlandish deal in history to lure the New England Patriots to that city), but what the heck was Nader doing with this story?

Well, well, well. The Seattle Seahawks beat the New York Giants, thus taking a huge step toward home field advantage throughout the NFC playoffs. But they didn’t win the game. Essentially, the game went like this: the New York Giants said, “Hey, Seattle Seahawks. Go ahead and win this game.” The Seattle Seahawks responded, “Nah. You go ahead.” The New York Giants then reiterated, “No. I insist. You win this game.” The Seattle Seahawks then shrugged, and decided “Fine.” Which is how the team has been winning all season, really. It’s… their style.

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