Rock and Roll Part Two

I had this sudden and uncontrollable urge to take a nap, so I didn’t finish myself back there…

Kerry seemed to get away with his hunting expedition after his campaign in Portland OR, but not later on out there over there in the MidWest, after which the Bush Campaign started wearing hunting fatigues. I don’t really know why, except Oregon was more or less in tow to the Kerry campaign and the delecate balance of Ohio needed to be forced a little harder.

The Dean campaign raised some weird questions in this regard. His wife demurred out of the campaign, into her private practice. For some godforsaken question, the media (and I recall Drudge highlighting the story “Where’s Jude Dean?”) jumped in, wondering what the heck was wrong here. The answer: nothing. Somewhere upon the collapse of Howard Dean’s campaign came the spectacle of Howard Dean and his wife on Primetime Live, a forced evocation of the Bill Clinton — Hillary Clinton 60 Minutes Interview back in January of 1992.

Actually, come to think of it, I don’t know what Howard Dean’s religious convictions are. Had he been in the Republican Primaries, he would have thrown what he had (or pretended to have) into the full-force. When the rumblings came out “Dean: Faith???”, he came out and talked about faith, something I had no interest whatsoever in and something that seemed forced — but for some stupid reason some interest within the media drove that storyline…

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