DO IT.  Alan Grayson proposes lowering breaking the filibuster to 55.

I don’t believe it.  The Weekly Standard comes out for some modicum of protectionism.
and their current love affair with Sarah Palin.

Sarah Palin supporters speak
Vice Presidential Memoir Reviews

Kentucky Census Worker Staged his own death as insurance scam.

People I hate and who need to be booted out of our political discourse: Mark Halperin

Don’t knock it.  This image successfully captured a murderer.

An inevitable tshirt image.

Advice to Blanche Lincoln for re-election: Stay away from this fray.

A Lou Dobbs presidential bid can only be good for Obama’s re-election prospects.

Reconciliation, please.

Why the Senate sucks… and what it will take to get past the logjam of 4.

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