continuing to examine an exotic rare poisonous floral species

I.  Is this, or anything like this, proceeding apace?  It floated out into the ether, grasped by … whom?
II.  Reading paragraph 2 regarding the evolution, or general fragmentation, of groups into the 1970s out of the 1960s regarding a general “backlash”, the NCLC being brought into the equation in pargraph 3 — it gets the picture incorrect in spots.   Witness:  These people were drawn to organizations which systematically combatted the anarchic anti-authorianism of the 1960s and combined cultural vestiges of the 1960s (such as rock music, communal living, or the rhetoric of love, peace, Experience, or Revolution) with prescriptions which reversed those of the 1960s culture, e.g., obedience to superiors, short hair, or sexual abstinence.  In the NCLC, there was no rhetoric of love and peace, and rock music was Bourgoise propaganda emenating out of Aristotle and the Jews/British.  At least we still have Revolution.

But indeed, Ruth Williams’s begrudging acceptance and rationalization of life advocating Larouche despite her objections of him as a fear-mongering cult-leader, as portrayed in the book Younger Than That Now, on behest of her questionable boyfriend, initially involved how the NCLC swore off of drugs.  Juggling the two just out of it but still infected and still sorting their strange life decision out “Larouche Youth Movementarians” currently discussing matters at FACTNet, I can safely cue:

I myself am very affected by the experience and I think about it daily; It really was a turning point in my life, and In many ways I felt very connected to what it means being a human being – as opposed to the extremely superficial reality of popular youth culture today, of which I was a part.  This sense og humanity is something I still cherish and is grateful for.

Youth Culture Killed My Dog.  Speaking of superficial youth culture items, I bring you back to the Larouchies’ attempted revision of this wikipedia entry, um… here.  Even if your goal is bringing culture to the masses, this seems like a waste of time… indeed, go by this man:  you’ve got to hand it to them: they’ve come up with the best possible way to waste your life, by far. even heroin addiction is preferable, if you ask me.

I shouldn’t be too hard here.  Or maybe I should.  I’ve gone through just over 100 posts about this matter in 3 years’ time, a great bulk coming from after last November which was when I chose to mire myself into a topic that ultimately affects me not one iota.  I am studying a rare and exotic species of flora.  I’ll keep that line that was handed to me and string it next to “gutter outlet of Wall Street Fascist John Train”.
I was meaning to swerve myself into other parcels and bits from the two just exiting semi-Larouchites.  Anti-semitism, for instance.  I have never wanted to get too in-depth on the topic, and if I were seriously fighting the forces of Larouche I would defer to comments made such handful of ex-Larouchites rumbling through the FACTNet board, who seem quite good at recollecting instances of “Um.  Huh”, greeted as it is by the cognitive dissonance found in the statement I have a feeling that you guys might be flat out making the story up..  But it doesn’t really take any insider information, or for that matter mid-level analysis, to see something amiss.  It is telling that that Greenpeace blogger who says he was “Larouched” included the phrase “anti-semitism” in his digestion.  To wit, the line Yes, Larouche does attack people who so happen to be Jewish but not because of their ethnicity or religion. He attacks them because of the actions they are commiting. Henry Kissinger for instance… falls flat with my one and only statement: You cannot use such an esoteric term as “synarchist” without being rightly accused of covering something up.

Actually what I wanted to comment about were the following two statements:

#1: Are you sure Larouche knows about whats being done to the older members?

Even I could tell months ago before taking a closer look, and before the suicide of Ken Kronberg brought it into stark relief, when glancing through a Larouchian pamphlet that exhaulted the “LYM” “leaders” and slammed the “baby-boomers”, that something had to be going all swervy at Larouche headquarters with this asinine generation gap discussion.
#2: Yeah I’ll Admit, Lyn sometimes doesn’t describe the specifics of his proposed recovery such as what you said above: Pricing, land ownership, environmental problems etc. His members however usually do the more specific research.

For example, When I was in the movement Lyn would reference tons of projects and thinkers and the members would do the research on them. It might be because larouche wants the members to make the discovery on their own. A perfect example of this would be Bruce Director’s work on the mathematics.

I swear, I laughed out loud at that statement.  It is akin to a wife apologizing for a battering husband, and rationalizing why he has to beat her.

Actually I want to wrap this up fairly quickly.  I have mused that Larouche clearly has “mother problems”, having seen that he implanted the “mother issue” into his followers right back to NCLC days, and probably right back to his days as a semi-respectable guru nibbling off the edges of SDS at Columbia.  Thus I am mightily intrigued by this statement:

The Cuban frogmen theme or meme came from the movie that was shown on the airliner on which Carol and Chris White flew back from London to the U.S. in December 1973. When Chris, who was not brainwashed, but just upset and freaked out, started mumbling about frogmen–when he and Carol were at Lyn’s apartment after arriving in U.S.–Lyn went bananas and started screaming that this was an assassination plot against him.

When C&C tried to say it was the movie that was shown on the airliner, Lyn would have none of it. He didn’t sleep for five days after that–crazed, manic, hysterical at the “threat.” Not the kind of guy you want to look to for leadership.

For jmp87–Lyn just doesn’t KNOW anything. That’s what you have to grapple with. He is ignorant, but there’s no one to check him, or counter him, because everyone is totally supine, and whatever he says is right because he said it.

So no, he’s not doing this so people can make their own discoveries. He babbles like this because his mother told him (I have a source for this) that he’s the most important person in the world and all his thoughts have tremendous weight and so he just knows it’s true.

What the Hell?  Source?  For that?  One of Larouche’s childhood playmates?   Oh well.  Whatever.  It is probably best that I never know the answer to that question.

One Response to “continuing to examine an exotic rare poisonous floral species”

  1. Rachel Holmes Says:

    I have heard that thing about LaRouche’s mother telling him his thoughts were the most important on the planet–this arose because LaRouche used to keep journals of every single thing he thought, to memorialize or immortalize His Thoughts. The source–at least, my source, not sure about the person you cite in your posting–was someone who knew him very well as an adult, and to whom he explained the purpose of the journals.

    I believe he started keeping the journals in his youth, at his mother’s instance, to make sure that not a single precious gold-plated thought was ever lost. Now his “articles” fulfill that function, I suppose.

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